Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New area to forget about... :S

Hey, So here I go again, only this time I hope it works a lot better than the "myspace" account of which I started to gain a girls attention. Yes, I've even tried to do that, but to no avail. I'm hoping that those of you who frequent my never changing MSN Live Spaces. I've done some crazy things to gain a girls attention...lol That had to have been one of the worst ideas ever.

I'm going to try some different things on here, try up loading some cool pic's and if I figure it out, maybe a vid or two. This "blog" (man, that name really bothers me for some reason) will be going through constant changes to make it mine.

So, to start this on the right foot, I passed my road test today so now I'm qualified to drive a tandem axle vehicle with airbrakes... take that to mean, I can REALLY kill a bunch of people now....lol I got this for me mostly... it's something I've wanted to do since my dad got his... it was one of those things that I've always wanted to do since I saw the big trucks on the roads. I'm glad I have it, because now I have another door open to me. I'm looking at fueling aircraft at the airport on the weekends and maybe one or two nights a week. Looking to drive off my license so it wasn't much of a waste of cash... but I guess it's not a waste if I wanted it for me... right??

Anyway... Gonna turn in... hope ya'll like the new message thinggy... that's what I'm gonna call it now... my message thinggy, k?



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