Thursday, April 5, 2007

Internet dating and Me

Ok, so I'll start this subject off by saying that I've done my fair share of dating through the internet. Mostly because I have a hard time approaching women that I'm quite intrested/attracted to. I've tried meeting girls through friends, through work (did it and couldn't pull it off... um... twice) and when I did try to ask girls out, I would stumble out something that sounded audibly like a sentance and an offer but........ just no joy.

I told my mom that I have been doing the internet dating thing and she retorted "why not try meeting people normally?" I have been putting that thought through its paces through the past couple of years since I've started into the internet dating thing and have asked various people what "normal" dating is today. I've come to a conclusion that there really isn't a normal way anymore. The "normal" that was there back in the 60's, 70's and 80's before the internet revolution was going out to dances, meeting girls through friends and all that other b/s. Today our world is connected by a way that was hardly immagined WAY back in the mid to late 60's.

Todays "normal" IS the internet no matter what kind of spin you put on it. I've seen the "desperate house wife", the "i need a daddy for my baby", the "cookie cutter", the "depressed and in need," the "I'm too busy right now, but I pencil you in because still need to get laid" and to be a touch crude... the "ugly" and other variations that I haven't discovered yet. Frustration hitting it's all time high just reciently, and a half decent sale... yes... and maybe a little desperation and in need of a long term relationship (read: longer than 6 weeks here) I *sigh* went to eHarmony.

I did their 29 dimension personality profile, for which was a touch generic but pretty much bang on in my attitude and mentality (for those of you who want to try it, sign up for their free account and accept their emails... you don't get many, and wait for a 3 month sale, it's 3 months for the price of one). I waited for the sale because I figured that finding love wasn't worth $60USD. Just like other internet sites, you have to seperate the wheat from the chaff, some are into you and some aren't. I liked the fact that you didn't need to hire a PR firm and ask as many friends as your comfortable with to know that you're internet dating and to ask them to rate your "profile." It can be a touch embarassing sometimes, just so you

So, after going through that 29 dimention mind meld and having Dr. Warren try to hook you up, yes, he even doesn't find that special someone right away. Is it worth the cash for it? I guess it's all what your willing to pay in the long run, right??

So... Good luck to those still in the hunt!!


P.S.-> A word from the wise, no matter HOW many pictures you get, they still look different in person, so meet within 2 weeks, but that's just a personal opinion there.

1 comment:

|:::lockan:::| said...

heh heh. On that note, you missed one of the types. The "I'm on here to meet somebody, but not in person."