Sunday, July 8, 2007

Where does a guy put his time and money???

Ok, so... I know I haven't written a blog in so long, and many of you haven't seen any real updates about what's been going on and how things are going... To be honest, I've had a real depressing month. There wasn't much that went on that I could joke and be jovial about. I refuse to write something negative or depressing on this blog and would like to keep it that way. Most of what I've had to say have been rants... not raves unfortunately. I haven't forgotten about my blog... just nothing really worth writing about lately.

So, a new month and new things to chat about. I've actually come up to quite a frustrating dilemma at the moment. I've come to a new hobby, of which I don't do enough, but enjoy what I do.... yes yes yes... it's the gun thing and I'm actually looking at a new weapon as we speak... although I will need to get my FAC/PAL before I do anything else, of which adds to my frustration. I'll elaborate...

I'm trying to find something that can occupy my time. I don't really have a woman to call my own, so I'm looking for a project to put my money and time into... something to be proud to say... "Yeeaaaaa.... I did that..." I have so much I WANT to do, but so little money, or even a place to do most of what I want to do. I've narrowed down my ideas to 4 things mostly (ok, thinking about 3 require a place and money, and 2 is almost instantaneous gratification from where I sit now, financially and location wise (meaning, I can do most, if not all of it, in my apartment).

1. I've got a 1966 Chevy 2 that my dad and I own that I'd like to resto-mod into a sleeper (read: bigger motor, better drive train, all in a 4-door family car)

2. I have a friend who owns a dune buggy that doesn't require a whole lot of work, but needs a new motor (rebuild myself or buy a used motor just to get it running and driving) plus needs to be road legal. Princess Auto may have a lot of the stuff I need, but it all still requires a place and money to do it.

3. I want to get my class 6 license, ride motor bikes and eventually buy my own and maybe get out and meet some new people.

4. I have 2 bicycles that I want to customize and make it look cool and enjoy riding. Some of the parts are quite pricey but easier to work on and in the long run... more instantaneous gratification that it's done and can ride it asap... and can be done in my apartment.

5. Ok, the last but not least that's been running through my mind... my guns. Yea, I know... it's an expensive hobby, and to me, it's a lot of fun to go to the range and kill some paper targets. I'd like to expand my collection and eventually have my dad go with me to the range with me and have fun. Guns are expensive themselves, the ammunition isn't cheap either for the guns that I do have.

Those are the options that I've given myself. There is a TONNE of other shit that I would really love to do but those are the more attainable ones, the areas where I believe I would show most of my passion in. I've even thought of combining a couple of them together. I am coming to the realization that some of those won't happen right away, it may take years for me to get to where I want to be to even start some of these projects. And it would probably take years for me to get to some of them done. Which sucks because I REALLY want to do this Not tomorrow, or the next day... NOW!!

Ah well, I was always told that listing things out really helps find out what you want to do and where you want to go. The pros and cons so to speak. And I think the decision has pretty much sorted it self out just now... *sigh* As to what I'm gonna do... you'll have to wait and see, 'cause really... I've only made a decision on what to do... what I'm gonna do next... well... that could be any ones guess really...

Oh, before I cut this novel off at it's knee's... I saw Transformers on Friday night.... man... if you ever watched that show religiously like I did when I was a kid... GO SEE IT... DO IT NOW!!! Oh yea... that brings me to point #6... the 52" Plasma including surround sound for the Transformers movie that I'm going to buy in the next year or so.... :D



|:::lockan:::| said...

You're not planning to combine the motor bike thing with the gun thing, are you? That sounds like a really un-fun hobby combination that will almost certainly end in a jail cell. lol.

KrisB said...

actually, I was hoping to use the gun to GET the bike, and subsiquently the plasma TV... but you are right, probably end pretty badly in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I have a 66' chevy II 4 door california car. my Wife of 28 ys.
Has asked for a dievorce, After helpin her get her R.N. license!!!
She calls the car a piece of junk,& its all orignal. to keep my mind off of my REAL LOVE for her. I'm debating of fixing up that old car for self pride. (esteem) At least it won't hurt, or dievorce "ME" H.S.H.