Tuesday, August 14, 2007

To Those who know and are getting to know... Me...

Hey, I guess I should come on here telling people what, I guess... what I'm all about. I have had the misfortune of someone referring to my online blog to me in a very personal email. Just to get it out in the air... everyone has a skeleton in the closet (some are still in the closet so to speak) or demons to face. We also have fears, things that scare us, things in the past that hold us back, some so much that it hampers them(us) from doing basic day to day chores, activities.

The reference was made that I have a fear of commitment (Thinking, July 28/07). Well, it's true that I MAY have a problem committing to someone. I haven't yet found that fear, or what it may be and I really do think that me being alone for this long with out something serious has hampered me being able to commit, but maybe I'm just scared of losing my independence... whatever the excuse I give, it doesn't mean that I'm not willing to face those thoughts/fears head on.

I was talking to my buddy at work about this and he said that if I was someone special, it would have been worth taking the chance and riding out the rough spots. I agree whole hearted. And probably most of you do to, but little are willing to face those demons/skeletons and it's just too easy to go back to "the norm." One of the main reasons for me to have this blog, for me to write out some of my deepest thoughts for anyone to see, is to clear them from my mind, to talk things out and maybe have someone give me some insight as to what I am thinking all along or offer suggestion. For those of you who are just getting to know me through my blog, I don't pretend, nor to I WANT to pretend to be someone I'm not. These things that I share to the online community are there for all to see (hopefully a great majority of them positive and a touch humorous).

I don't want people to think that I'm doing this for the attention, because I'm not. I'm doing this more to help me than to give someone their jollies by looking at my trials and tribulations. And if someone is doing that... meh, what do I care because if I did, I wouldn't be talking about this kind of stuff to everyone. Saying that, I don't put stuff on here that's stupid personal. Some things aren't meant for public consumption... ;)

This is just a little taste of who I am, reading regular posts, you'll have a half decent idea about who I am and what I'm about and where my mind rests. If you don't like what your reading, then don't read anymore... it's your choice.


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